Case Studies

BMX Track, London Borough of Merton

Ashdown Site Investigation Ltd worked for the London Borough of Merton on the construction of a BMX track.

The track is the second longest in the London area, some 340m long and second only to the Olympics track.  Works included preparation of a combined desk study and quantitative ground contamination risk assessment of the site together with geotechnical appraisal to facilitate structural design.  The ground contamination risk assessment was further extended to include a detailed quantitative risk assessment (DQRA) with derivation of site specific assessment criteria for the proposed BMX track use. Subsequent verification works confirmed that imported soils and materials used to form the tracks ramps and jumps complied with the derived acceptance criteria.

Our risk assessment demonstrated that the materials on site were both geotechnically and chemically suitable for use in the construction of the proposed BMX track.  The approach taken minimised the requirement for disposal of waste soils from the site and provided cost effective acceptance criteria for materials that needed to be imported onto the site, thus providing significant costs savings to the project.

